This document has been updated for the upcoming publication of the eight module:
Play / Comédie (December 2021). The document in its
first state (published on 24/06/2011) can be found here. The
document in its state at the publication of L'Innommable in 2013, can be found here. The document in its state at the publication of Krapp's Last Tape / La Dernière Bande (November 2015), can be found here.
This manual is organized according to the items in the main menu of the
genetic modules of the Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.

1. About
In the menu, the heading 'About' contains the following options:
- Catalogue: a survey (and short description) of the documents (each MS number is clickable and linked to the corresponding transcript);
- Chronology: The intricate composition process of the work is charted in a genetic map. The transcriptions of the documents can be accessed directly from the map.
- Manual: a link to this manual.
2. Documents
This menu contains a full list of all available documents in a
module. From here, users can access an overview page for any document anywhere in the
Under the heading "About", all meta information is given for the
document: a description of the physical document, information on who made the
transcription, on the holding library and if there were any revisions to the
transcription since it was first published.
Thumbnails give a general overview. A document can be browsed in more
detail in a linear transcription ("Text view"), or in an image viewer. The "Image View"
includes the following:
- a zoom feature;
- in the case of notebooks, a double page view that allows users to leaf through the pages of the notebook;
- an image / text feature: a combination of the facsimile of a page and its linear transcription, by means of clickable zones on the image. The main text is segmented into zones of no more than 8 lines. Doodles, marginal additions, dates, titles and metamarks are also individually clickable;
- a link to the linear transcriptions.

In all views that include the transcription, two new items appear in the
menu: "Tools" and "Compare sentences".
3. Compare sentences
All the versions of each sentence or segment can be presented in
vertical juxtaposition, starting from any version of the text: each sentence or
segment that made it into the base text is preceded by a sentence number; by
clicking on the icon or number preceding a particular sentence or segment its
composition history can be viewed in vertical juxtaposition. If a document only
contains sentences that did not make it into the base text, this is made explicit at
the top of the page.

In a box under "Synoptic Sentence View", users are given the
option to: "Compare all English [or French] versions of this sentence with
CollateX". This link lets the third party software program "CollateX" perform a
collation of all versions.[1] The result is a
table in which the versions are aligned and the variation highlighted.
Users can determine which versions they wish to compare and go to
the relevant scanned page of any version.
4. Tools
The 'Tools' section in the main menu presents four different
visualizations of the internal composition history of each document:
4.1. Default transcription
This default visualization indicates cancellations with
strike-through; additions in superscript; additions on the facing leaf in
4.2. Place indications
This more detailed visualization explicitly mentions the
place of an addition (e.g. place = supralinear, when a word is added above
the line).
5. Search
The search engine offers full-text searches of all the
transcriptions and notes. The results appear within the context of the sentence in
which the search string was found, with the search string highlighted.
As an extra, a number of potentially interesting searches are
suggested, such as 'intertextual references', 'calculations', 'addresses and phone numbers', 'stage drawings', 'musical scores', 'dates', 'doodles' and 'diagrams',
'gaps' or 'transpositions'. They can be run by selecting them from the dropdown menu
under 'Suggested searches'. The search for 'Intertextual references', for instance,
calls up allusions to passages by such authors as Shakespeare and Dante (and
corresponding annotations).
[1] As part of the
InterEdition Project, CollateX is a Java-based collation software package that can
be used to produce a critical apparatus for digital editions. <>