Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
Fin de partie / Endgame


Due to an agreement with the Estate of Samuel Beckett and the publishers of Beckett's work, the digital edition of Fin de partie / Endgame only contains draft versions leading up to the publication of the text (the so-called 'avant-texte'), including page proofs. It therefore excludes epigenetic material such as later annotated editions.

thumbnail image for MS-UoR-2931

MS UoR 2931 (AS1)

Original manuscript of notes towards an untitled, unfinished play in French beginning 'Espace souterrain'. Dated '18.6.52 Ussy' by Beckett. 6 leaves, square-lined paper torn from an exercise book. 22x17 cm. The tear-lines are consistent with the pages having all been torn out at the same time, suggesting Beckett wrote the piece in a complete notebook rather than on loose leaves, and tore the pages out on the 'completion' or abandonment of the text.

Written and corrected in two kinds of black ink, blue ball-pen and pale green artist's pencil. No pagination. Notes preceded on f. I by staging directions. Marginal list of players on f. I runs 'ABCD, Ier homme, 2ème homme, 3ème homme etc'. Beckett observes the margin on f. I but not on the following five sheets. Corrections and additions are placed on the facing recto pages.

The listing of a seemingly expandable 'Personnages' - '3ème homme etc.' - suggests that the play was originally intended to be much longer than the piece surviving as MS 2932 [...], which contains only three characters 'in situ' and one visitor.

Bryden, Mary, Julian Garforth and Peter Mills (1998), Beckett at Reading: Catalogue of the Beckett Manuscript Collection at the University of Reading (Reading: Whiteknights Press and the Beckett International Foundation), p. 25

Abbreviated in the Manuscript Chronology as AS1.

thumbnail image for MS-UoR-2932

MS UoR 2932 (AS2)

Untitled typescript with manuscript additions and corrections by Samuel Beckett of an unpublished dramatic fragment in French. Undated, 3 leaves. 25x21 cm. Begins 'Coups de gong. Rideau. Gong toujours'.

Moderate corrections made in blue and red inks, and type. Paginated on ff. 2-3 in type. A trio of characters is described in the opening set of directions; 'l'Englouti' disappears before a word is spoken, apparently to the a-rhythmic but counted-off strokes of the gong. 'L'Anonyme does speak, and counts the gong-strokes; the third figure is 'Camier', who is highly demonstrative in his reactions but whose only utterances are inarticulate shouts and exclamations, and a low, constant 'Murmure de Camier' (f. 2). Both l'Anonyme and Camier wear medals. Later a fourth character appears, 'l'Envoyé', on a rope ladder descending from the flies. The dialogue of the play is between l'Anonyme (An.) and l'Envoyé (En.).

Bryden, Mary, Julian Garforth and Peter Mills (1998), Beckett at Reading: Catalogue of the Beckett Manuscript Collection at the University of Reading (Reading: Whiteknights Press and the Beckett International Foundation), p. 26

Abbreviated in the Manuscript Chronology as AS2.

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MS HTC THR 70/3 (AS3)

Autograph manuscript, signed. Leaves are numbered through 15, text continues to folio 18. Embers begins on folio 12; folios 1-11 contain an unidentified manuscript in French.

Abbreviated in the Manuscript Chronology as AS3.

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MS UoR 1227/7/16/2 (AS4)

Untitled typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections of an unpublished play in French. 25x21 cm. 9 leaves. f. 1 inscribed 'for Reading University Library. Sam. Beckett'. This typescript contains a dialogue between a Hamm-like Ernest, confined not to a wheelchair but to a cross, and his wife Alice, who ministers his needs.

Bryden, Mary, Julian Garforth and Peter Mills (1998), Beckett at Reading: Catalogue of the Beckett Manuscript Collection at the University of Reading (Reading: Whiteknights Press and the Beckett International Foundation), p. 34

Abbreviated in the Manuscript Chronology as AS4.

thumbnail image for MS-UoR-2926
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MS UoR 2926 (FN1)

Manuscript notes by Samuel Beckett in an exercise book. Brown covers. 21x17 cm. 52 leaves, with one loose leaf inserted. Broad lined paper. Dated only once, 15 September 1950, at play fragment.

This notebook contains a wide variety of material, and seems to have been used over a lengthy period. The hand varies greatly, as does the colour of ink used; black ink dominates, but there is much work in blue, red and black ball-pen, with very brief fragments in pencil. The notes are accompanied throughout by extensive multi-coloured doodles.

Material includes: notes relating to the American painter Sam Francis, predominantly between f. 20 verso and f. 23; a section of notes on Mexican poets and Spanish vocabulary, including draft translations of two poems for Beckett's volume of Mexican poetry; abandoned dramatic material; a letter to Alexander Trocchi which is drafted and re-drafted several times. The loose leaf inserted into the back of the notebook carries two stanzas of a poem beginning 'Caught among eyelashes'.

It also contains the manuscript original of the typescript labelled by Beckett 'Avant Fin de partie' which consists of a dialogue between a character X, and his factotum, F. The manuscript corresponds closely to the typescript, but ends on p. 19 of the typescript, two pages before the end of the latter, just after F returns disguised as X's mother.

Occupying f. 20 verso to f. 23 is a draft entitled 'Sam Francis, animator of silence'. It develops and incorporates material drafted on f. 1 verso - f. 2 and f. 4 verso - f. 5. Written in black ink; first two lines in pencil.

Bryden, Mary, Julian Garforth and Peter Mills (1998), Beckett at Reading: Catalogue of the Beckett Manuscript Collection at the University of Reading (Reading: Whiteknights Press and the Beckett International Foundation), p. 195

Abbreviated in the Manuscript Chronology as FN1.

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MS TCD 4662 (FN2)

Soft-covered 'l'Aigle' exercise book with black spine, stitched. The covers have a woven design and an illustration of an eagle. Folios ruled in small rectangles with a left hand margin in red. Pages removed from between fols 5 and 6 and fols 13 and 14 without obvious loss of text. The volume has been conserved. 217 x 172mm, i-iii, 30 fols, ms. The accompanying card, (MS 4661/ii) in Beckett's hand, identifies the contents of this notebook as 'abandoned theatre', 'abandoned prose', 'Fragment of translation of Malone meurt' and 'Epistolary scraps'. The front and back covers of the notebook contain jotted phrases from the English translation of Molloy.

Maxwell, Jane, (2006), ed. 'The Samuel Beckett Manuscripts at Trinity College Library Dublin'. Samuel Beckett Today / Aujourd'hui 16, p. 184.

Abbreviated in the Manuscript Chronology as FN2.

thumbnail image for MS-UoR-1227-7-16-7

MS UoR 1227/7/16/7 (FT1)

Untitled typescript with manuscript additions and corrections by Samuel Beckett. 22 leaves, last leaf blank. 27x21cm. f. 1 inscribed 'avant Fin de partie' and 'for Reading University Library, Sam. Beckett' in 1973.

This early text is closely related to the genesis of Fin de partie. It is a typed and slightly abbreviated version of a holograph manuscript draft held at Trinity College, Dublin. Pagination is in type, running ff. 2-21. Final blank sheet unnumbered. It is only moderately corrected by Beckett in black ink, blue ball-pen and in type. Thus all deleted typed material is still legible. Variety of inks and handwriting styles suggests the revisions were made over a sequence of stages.

The Piece consists of a dialogue between 'X' and 'F'. The former is an early Hamm figure, who opens the play with a monologue describing himself and his situation. The second player, introduced as 'le Factotum' and referred to in the directions as 'F', presages Clov and is called Albert, Donald and Lucien, according to the day and their mutual preference. This version relates to MS 1227/7/16/2 in involving the mother of one character, X, who can be compared to Ernest. In Ernest's case, the mother does arrive and begins to minister to him. Here, X calls first for his dog, then for his wife and then for his mother. The first two do not come, and F exits, to re-enter dressed as X's mother. The piece finishes during a discussion of two characters, Bom and Bim.

Bryden, Mary, Julian Garforth and Peter Mills (1998), Beckett at Reading: Catalogue of the Beckett Manuscript Collection at the University of Reading (Reading: Whiteknights Press and the Beckett International Foundation), p. 34

Abbreviated in the Manuscript Chronology as FT1.

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MS UoR 1660 (FT2)

Corrected typescript of an early version of Fin de partie in two acts. Undated. 59 leaves. 27x21 cm.

The first fifteen leaves are typed with a black ribbon, ff. 16-46 with a blue ribbon, and ff. 47-58 again with a black ribbon. Corrected in black ink, red ball-pen and type. The torn and taped opening leaf is not paginated and there are two f. 38s. Ff. 16,17, 18 and 24 have autograph foliation and f. 25 has an autograph correction, changing it from f. 24. Act I has twenty-six leaves foliated 2-35 and Act II is foliated 36-58 with two f. 38s.

The play consists of a dialogue between players A and B in an interior clearly related to the setting of Fin de partie. There is close concentration on the vocabulary and terms of the relationship between A and B.

Bryden, Mary, Julian Garforth and Peter Mills (1998), Beckett at Reading: Catalogue of the Beckett Manuscript Collection at the University of Reading (Reading: Whiteknights Press and the Beckett International Foundation), p. 35

Abbreviated in the Manuscript Chronology as FT2.

thumbnail image for MS-OSU-RARE-29-2

MS OSU RARE 29/2 (FM1)

No title. A. ms. (blue pen). Four sheets of cream paper not numbered, two of which are filled recto and verso. 21 x 13.5, then 27 x 21 cm.

Admussen, Richard L. (1979), The Samuel Beckett Manuscripts: A Study (Boston: G. K. Hall), p. 51.

Notes pertaining to MS UoR 1660.

Abbreviated in the Manuscript Chronology as FM1.

thumbnail image for MS-OSU-RARE-29-1

MS OSU RARE 29/1 (FM2)

No title. (Intérieur sans meubles. A gauche, vers le fond, une petite fenêtre haute perchée.) A. ms., 45 p. (blue pen). 23 sheets cream and white typing paper numbered recto and verso after [1]. 27 x 21 cm.
First part of play only, differing considerably from published version. Moderate revision (blue pen). Clov and Hamm are "A" and "B," Nagg is "Pépé," Nell is "M." Card inserted with this draft and F, G, H reads in Beckett's hand: "FIN DE PARTIE (ENDGAME) 1 original MS, 3 Typescripts of French text (successive versions), 1 typescript of Author's English translation."

Admussen, Richard L. (1979), The Samuel Beckett Manuscripts: A Study (Boston: G. K. Hall), p. 51.

Abbreviated in the Manuscript Chronology as FM2.

thumbnail image for MS-TCD-4663

MS TCD 4663 (FM3 + AS5)

Collection of loose leaves of slightly dissimilar paper. Formerly in a spring-back folder.

23r-41v: Fin de Partie. Title "II". Much revised. Text in French on rectos and versos in mostly blue ink and biro. Dated 16.2.56 by Beckett. A card in Beckett's hand referring to fols 23-41: "Fin de Partie was origin[ally] in 2 acts. This seems to be 1st draft of 2nd act. Much of which subsists in final version in 1 act." Slightly yellowed paper. Paper stock for fols 31-2 has 'Extra Strong superfine' watermark. 270x211mm; 19 fols, ms.

42r-3r: Photocopy of a dialogue in French between characters A and B. Title "Chien anagramme de niche" Annotated by RBD French, senior lecturer in English literature, Trinity College Dublin, 'Reproduction of a sheet sent to me by Samuel Beckett in June 1969 for Madeleine Murray.' According to a newspaper article in The Times, 25 Oct 1969, the original of this item was sent by Beckett to RBD French in response to French's request for a scrap of Beckett's writing for a Canadian pupil. The original was sold in Sotheby's in 1998.

Maxwell, Jane, (2006), ed. 'The Samuel Beckett Manuscripts at Trinity College Library Dublin'. Samuel Beckett Today / Aujourd'hui 16, p. 185-186.

Abbreviated in the Manuscript Chronology as FM3 + AS5.

thumbnail image for MS-OSU-RARE-29-3

MS OSU RARE 29/3 (FT3)

No title., 65 p. (black ribbon and carbon). 67 sheets white and cream typing paper numbered after [1]. Two pages not numbered inserted after p. 3. P. 27-34 and 46-49 are carbons. 27 x 21 cm.

Earliest typed version. Infrequent revisions except for several lengthy insertions and deletions (red and blue ball, blue pen). Divided into two acts, marked 75 minutes and 35 minutes respectively. Differs considerably from [...] published version; long passage at beginning on Clov's duties dropped, long passage inserted where Clov dresses as a woman and Hamm speaks of having a child by him, Nell's dustbin is removed for 2nd Act, Clov does not leave at end of play. Clov called "James", Nagg is "Walther", Nell "Mémé" and Hamm "Guillaume." P. [1] numbered "I" in Beckett's hand. Boxed.

Admussen, Richard L. (1979), The Samuel Beckett Manuscripts: A Study (Boston: G. K. Hall), p. 52.

Abbreviated in the Manuscript Chronology as FT3.

thumbnail image for MS-OSU-RARE-115
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No title. Soft cover exercise book, light green wrappers. 98 sheets squared paper, not numbered. This notebook also contains From An Abandoned Work A, Molloy (Eng.) A, Waiting for Godot A and some unidentified work. This version of Fin de Partie fills 53 pages. A very early version, revised. Characters unnamed and designated by letters only.

Admussen, Richard L. (1979), The Samuel Beckett Manuscripts: A Study (Boston: G. K. Hall), p. 51.

Abbreviated in the Manuscript Chronology as FN3.

thumbnail image for MS-OSU-RARE-29-4

MS OSU RARE 29/4 (FT4)

No title., 35 p. (black ribbon). 36 sheets cream typing paper numbered after [1]. Fourth page marked "4-5," two pages at end numbered 1, 2. 27 x 21 cm.

Moderate to extensive revision (red and blue ball, blue and black ink, pencil). Differs considerably from [MS OSU RARE 29/3, FT3], much shorter, implying perhaps a missing intermediate draft. Reduced to one act and close to published version in general lines. P. [1] has Hamm/Nagg/Clov/Nell in upper left corner; these names are then inserted in text. Final two pages contain three insertions marked A, B and C whose place is indicated in the text. P [1] marked "II" in Beckett's hand. Boxed.

Admussen, Richard L. (1979), The Samuel Beckett Manuscripts: A Study (Boston: G. K. Hall), p. 52.

Abbreviated in the Manuscript Chronology as FT4.

thumbnail image for MS-OSU-RARE-29-5

MS OSU RARE 29/5 (FT5)

No title., 38 p. (black ribbon). 38 sheets cream color typing paper numbered after [1]. 27 x 21 cm.

Incorporates revisions in G. Moderate to infrequent revision, mostly change of word choice. Two paragraph-length insertions on versos (red and blue ball). P. [1] marked in Beckett's hand: "NAGG/NELL, sa femme/HAMM, leur fils/CLOV, un factotum." Not identical with published version. P. [1] marked "III." Boxed.

Admussen, Richard L. (1979), The Samuel Beckett Manuscripts: A Study (Boston: G. K. Hall), p. 52.

Abbreviated in the Manuscript Chronology as FT5.

thumbnail image for MS-TCD-11316

MS TCD 11316 (FT6)

Ts carbon. [...] Note accompanying this typescript records it as having been 'Corrected by author for 1st performance'. The few corrections, in reddish biro, are in a hand sufficiently careful to make the attribution to Beckett doubtful. Some pencil marks also. 40pp

Abbreviated in the Manuscript Chronology as FT6.

thumbnail image for MS-UoR-1227-7-7-1
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MS UoR 1227/7/7/1 (FN4)

Manuscript notes in an exercise book by Samuel Beckett which represent the first draft of Krapp's Last Tape. Contained in an exercise book which is inscribed 'Eté 56' on the front cover by Beckett. 96 leaves, blank from f. 45 until f. 96 verso. Squared paper. 22 x 13 cm. Blue and black ink.

Bryden, Mary, Julian Garforth, and Peter Mills, eds. (1998), Beckett at Reading: Catalogue of the Beckett Manuscript Collection at the University of Reading (Reading: Whiteknights Press and the Beckett International Foundation), p. 58-59

Abbreviated in the Manuscript Chronology as FN4

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Missing typescript sold at Sotheby's

A typescript missing from our genetic edition was sold at a Sotheby's auction on 11 July 2002 - 12 July 2002 in London. In it, the "tailor's story" was added by hand. This is the last known French typescript to have preceded the proofs and the first edition by Minuit (1957).

thumbnail image for MS-HRC-SB-3-5
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MS HRC SB 3/5 (EN1)

Autograph manuscript, signed, 106 pp., begun in Paris on 7 May 1957, completed at Ussy on 5 June 1957, written in blue, black, and purple inks in small-4to cloth-backed notebook. Lightly revised, some doodles.

The cover of the notebook has the title All That Fall crossed out. (Beckett had been working on All That Fall as he was finishing Fin de partie.) [...] Laid in is a reproduction of a photograph of Samuel Beckett by Philippe Charpentier, pasted onto a loose sheet from the notebook and inscribed: "for / Jake Schwartz / Sam. Beckett / Sept. 1957".

Lake, Carlton, ed. (1984), No Symbols Where None Intended: A Catalogue of Books, Manuscripts and Other Material Relating to Samuel Beckett in the Collections of the Humanities Research Center (Austin: Humanities Research Center), pp. 101, item 215

Abbreviated in the Manuscript Chronology as EN1.

thumbnail image for MS-OSU-RARE-29-6

MS OSU RARE 29/6 (ET1)

No title., 42 p. (black ribbon). 42 sheets cream typing paper numbered after [1]. 27 x 21 cm. Probably a typed version of [HRC SB 3/5, EN1]. Moderate revisions (red ball, blue and black pen). Doodles.

Admussen, Richard L. (1979), The Samuel Beckett Manuscripts: A Study (Boston: G. K. Hall), p. 46.

Abbreviated in the Manuscript Chronology as ET1.